Wednesday, May 14, 2014


      A heartily welcome once again to all the distinguished users and the viewers to my blog spot. Today, I have something new views to share with you all. With reference to our Edulift class, our teachers had given us fourth weekly challenge as to make video of one of the social organization existing in our community area that has done a lot of socially positive impact to us all and our society.

       “What! We have to make video as film director” I was really afraid, nervous and  surprised when I firstly heard about our project work. I had watched many videos and films in my life but I had never thought of making and developing videos like movie maker d
o. That  was my first appearance in such  challenging  work like visiting to unknown institution, interviewing with unknown person and collecting all the required information to develop pecha kucha for preparing our video clips.

       It was really challenging task to fulfill within the limited period given by our teachers. As it was group collaboration work, we group 8 members made plan and targeted to go to Marinka children home which is located just near to Bajra international school. We were too nervous to entered inside it and we were even confused what to speak with them and how to get all the necessary information. But when we entered inside Marinka home God had mercy upon us. So, even unknown person of Marinka home helped us a lot to overcome against our fear, difficulties, hesitation and struggles to collect appreciable information for our project. He gave us detail information about the background, objectives, achievements and future plans of Marinka home. We thought it was something profit making institution attached with some school that gives hostel facilities to the students reading in school. But our thought and imagination was totally wrong as when we interviewed with them, we come to know that they we were totally focusing on developing civilized citizen in future Nepal. They are involving in a kind of social work that is related with street children and their welfare. They are collecting large number of street children and giving them family hood environment to overcome against their street life and difficulties.  

Wow! What a great job they are doing and what a view they have.  I was really appreciated with their works and contribution to our society and the country. I saw with my naked eyes that the children were enjoying a lot in Marinka home.  I was really happy to see parent less children to enjoy with pens, copies and books. They all were giving beautiful smile like the shining star.

       When we finished our interviewing  and information collecting work, there came again another big difficulties to make video. I had no any idea to make video and everything . But any who we had to do the task because that was our project work given by our teachers. So, we searched many hinds and information about movie maker to succeed our project. On the other hand, our teachers had also told us to add stop motion in our video. But we were totally blank about stop motion .  So, stop motion, recording sound and managing them  in our video  became another struggling task to our group. We thought we will not be able to develop our video perfectly but it was our wrong concept we finally made our video with the help of our teachers and all other classmate. We were extremely happy to get the result of our hard work and everything struggles.

When we all get success to prepare  our project, I thought I became one of the successful video maker too in my life. But it was only my imagination because I have to learn innumerable things about it and develop one of the best video in my further life. No matter I will be able to make another video better than this or not but I was really happy to learn something new skills  like video making, developing stop motion and interacting with unknown person. I learnt to study my own periphery, our society, community and the things  that are going on in our surrounding.  I come to know that success is on our hand and it only depends on our desire.

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